Hernia is a common condition in which an organ is displaced from its normal position in the body to an abnormal position due to weakness in the muscles or tissues containing that organ.
The different types of hernia are-
The two most common types of hernia are the groin hernias and ventral hernias. Groin hernias are commonly found in males and can occur from infancy to old age. They can present on one or both sides. Ventral hernias usually form around the navel area and are commonly found in females.
A hernia occurs as a result of weakness of the tissues surrounding a particular organ or an abnormal enlargement in the opening between two cavities. Along with this, an increase in the abdominal pressure because of long standing cough, constipation or urinary problems can give rise to hernia.
A hernia is often noticed as a swelling in the abdomen or groin which increases on exertion/ straining and disappears on lying down. It can cause a dragging pain and discomfort. The swelling usually increases in size over time. Sometimes, the hernia can become very painful and tense which signals an obstruction in the hernia and requires immediate attention.
A hernia is usually detected by a simple clinical examination by the doctor in the clinic. Sometimes, tests such as ultrasound, CT scan and endoscopy help in the diagnosis of hernia.
The treatment of hernia is through surgical repair. There are no medicines which are useful for treatment of hernia. The surgery should be done at an early stage to avoid complications.
The surgery for hernia can be done by open or laparoscopic method. In both the cases, a mesh is generally placed to reinforce the tissues providing more strength to the repair. Open Surgety involves cutting open the tissues and placing a mesh on top of the muscle layer.
Laparoscopic surgery involves minimal cutting and placement of mesh from within beneath the muscle layer.
Laparoscopic repair involves minimal cutting of tissue so further weakness of an already compromised area is avoided. The mesh in laparoscopic surgery is larger than in open surgery because of greater space available to place it. Also, the mesh is placed beneath the muscle layer which makes it more effective in strengthening the tissue. Thus, the chances of recurrence of hernia are lesser in laparoscopic than open surgery. Hernias at multiple sites can be repaired simultaneously in laparoscopic surgery which require different incisions in open surgery. The other advantages of laparoscopic Surgety like less pain, blood loss and infection as well as faster recovery are seen in laparoscopic hernia repair.
The complications of hernia include-
A breast lump can present as a nodule or swelling in the breast. It may single or multiple and can be located in one or both breasts.
It can be painful or painless and can present with the following symptoms
The different types of breast lump are
Breast lump is often noticed by the lady herself. The findings on clinical examination can be confirmed by ultrasound or mammogram. Needle cytology is also useful to confirm the diagnosis.
The treatment of breast lump depends upon what type of lump is there. Some lumps such as fat necrosis or breast cyst may not require any treatment. Benign lumps can be removed by a small surgery while cancers require major surgery.
Breast cancer is a disease which occurs in ladies most commonly after the age of forty and the chances rise with increasing age.
The symptoms of breast cancer include
The suspicion of breast cancer is often made on clinical examination of the breast. It is further investigated with ultrasound or mammogram of the breast. A needle cytology or trucut biopsy usually confirms the diagnosis.
Breast cancer treatment may involve one or more of the following
Breast cancer surgery may involve removal of part of whole of the breast along with the draining lymph nodes. Breast conservation surgery is possible when the Tumor is small in size otherwise complete removal of breast and axillary lymph nodes is required.
If the cancer is detected early and treated appropriately using a combination of surgical treatment as well as chemotherapy/ hormone therapy , then the cancer can be cured.
Lipoma means a tumor of fat cells. It’s usually a benign tumor which means that it has very less chances of turning into cancer and spreading in the body.
It is a painless swelling occurring in any part of the body mostly on the arms, back or trunk. This swelling may be single or multiple and may increase gradually in size.
Lipoma, like other tumours in the body, doesn’t have a specific cause.
Lipoma is diagnosed by clinical examination. It sometimes requires an aspiration cytology or biopsy for confirmation.
In most cases, if a lipoma is small and present in unexposed areas of the body, it doesn’t require any treatment. In case the lipoma is large, causing pain or cosmetic disfigurement, it requires surgical removal.
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