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Dr. Sunderlal Memorial Hospital

Dr Sunder Lal Memorial Hospital

Dr. Sunder Lal Memorial Hospital - A Legacy for Excellent Healthcare

Dr Sunderlal Memorial Hospital is one of the best centres for laparoscopic surgery in Delhi. The centre has recently completed its platinum jubilee celebrations and has been in operation for the last 35 years. It is one of the oldest and most trusted hospitals in the area. The centre caters to all strata of society with its humble motto “Service with Sincerity”. All the doctors working in the hospital are highly qualified with decades of experience in their respective fields. 

The hospital is equipped with an ultramodern OT and having state of art laparoscopic equipment and instruments. It has a high definition camera system (Stryker 1488, USA) which provides an excellent view of the internal anatomy during laparoscopic surgery. Besides, the harmonic scalpel (Ethicon, USA) is an ultrasonic energy source instrument which affords clean and bloodless dissection during surgeries. The OT is so designed to minimise the chances of infection and cross contamination. The OT has a fully automated operating table which allows all kinds of patient positioning for different surgical procedures. There are two ceiling mounted LED lights, automatic climate control and cautery machine (Alan surgicals). There is a C arm machine to aid in different orthopaedic and urological procedures. 

The Operation theatre has in house CSSD for the cleaning and sterilisation of linen and equipment. The CSSD boasts of an autoclave machine, an ultrasonic cleaner and an ETO machine for the sterilisation of open and laparoscopic surgical instruments.

Operation Theatre