The principles of modern hernia surgery advocate a tension free repair using a prosthesis such as mesh. The surgery is performed by the minimally invasive route. The dissection in a hernia repair is performed meticulously with minimal handling and damage to the body tissues. This in turn leads to less pain and rapid recovery after the surgery.

The patient os usually discharged on the day following the surgery and can carry out all routine activities within a week. They are instructed not to perform sudden jerky movements and to avoid cough, constipation and straining during urination.

Patients can usually start having physical relations with their partners within 15 days of surgery. The surgery doesn’t affect vitality or performance. It is possible for female patients to conceive after hernia surgery and they can even have a normal delivery thereafter. In case of a C section after hernia repair, care must be taken by the operating surgeon to avoid the area of the mesh and any weakness of body tissues thereafter.

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